"An ancient art since the dawn of time, some of the first depicted pictures of reflexology were found in the pyramids of Egypt," Chris Carrothers tells us. "This hieroglyphic was found in the physician's tomb around the time of 2500 BC."
"What we believe to be New Age now is not so New Age. China has their own perspective on reflexology, having practised it for a long time. They have a different twist on how to work on the points of the feet. Reflexology can work on the hands or the feet. It's based on the prinicipal there is a "mini-map" of the body on the foot or hands."
"This is a reflexogy chart," Chris demonstrates (see below), "You can see it really is a road map. Like the lattitude and longitude we see on the globe of the Earth, our hands and feet are divided by zones. We have five zones on each foot and each hand. On the hand, the zones come down between the thumb and the index finger; the index finger and the third finger; the third finger and the fourth finger; the fourth finger and the fifth finger. Each of those pathways is considered to be a zone. Imagining that on the foot is one of the ways we come to determine what's within our body."
"As these zones pass through the body from our head to our toes, they pass through different organs; moving from our head to our pelvis, through the chest, and through the stomach. Through each channel we're going to find a kidney, a lung, or something that falls within what's inside our body. We can also add another dimension to determining this by adding our longitude or transfer zones. They go across the body. Some go across the shoulder line; another one goes underneath where our diaphragm would be, and another one where our pelvic line or pelvis would be."
"As we take a look at what's inside the body, we can look at things above the neck and shoulder line. Anything related to the head corresponds with our fingers and toes. As we work our way down, going from the neck and shoulder line to the diaphragm line (under our ribs), we have everything that lives in our chest area; our lungs; our heart. The chest area corresponds with the ball of the hand or ball of the foot. As we move down below the diaphragm to the pelvic line we're getting to the stomach; everything within our digestive system; belonging to our intenstines. This corresponds with the instep or palm of the hand."
"If we're to look at the illustration of the hand, it's a smaller version of the foot," instructs Chris, "Whatever we see on the feet, we will also find on the hands." Determining size doesn't matter, Chris acknowledges, the hand in comparison to the foot is more "squished" . Therefore, the bigger the feet, the longer the process as there is more ground to cover. "With eight or nine inches on a foot; you have more space to work."
"Between those longitudinal zones and transfer zones, or the lattitude and longitude, we can determine where all these areas or reflexes fall on the foot," explains Chris, "As we begin a reflexology session we're working those reflexes to send a message or electrical impulse up through those zones to balance the reflex corresponding to the body part; body system." These pathways are not to be confused with meridians.
In comparison to meridians, Chris notes, "Zones are equally spaced throughout the body, whereas meridians zig-zag, following different pathways through the bodies, having different end points. If you're practicing a method that focuses on traditional Chinese medicine and the meridians, reflexology would have a direct correlation to it. It's a different style of practice to the reflexology most people practice."
Assisting clients, naturally, along their pathyway to wellness for over 14 years, Chris Carrothers, a Registered Reflexology Practitioner and Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional ensures a unique experience combining the healing benefits of reflexology with relaxation, all in a spa-like setting.
"When someone comes in for a reflexology session, we offer a comfortable and private atmosphere. We can either do a nice foot soak, or my favorite way of cleansing the feet; steam towels. As an aromatherapist I coat the feet with a nice aromatic blend of peppermint, frankincense and rosemary, wrapping them in a steamed towel similar to a lovely warm blanket. Resting comfortably for three to five minutes. the stress they arrived with is depleted."
For deep tranquil relaxation, stress-reduction and holistic healing for all areas of your body, consider reflexology. Click here to contact Chris Carrothers.
Click here to view our interview with Chris Carrothers. (Video presently unavailable.)
"Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen." ~Shakti Gawain
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